Who is suitable for closed rhinoplasty?

Good candidates for closed rhinoplasty would be those with less dramatic nasal complications without expecting the results to change dramatically. Nasal problems that are easiest to correct with the closed technique include a nasal hump and a curved nose. For men and women with very minor nasal problems, Dr. Do you know the difference between an open rhinoplasty and a closed rhinoplasty? Both of these variations are used by Dr.

Rahban, since everyone has their strengths. Because he has first-hand experience performing both open and closed nose operations, Dr. Rahban can give an unbiased and truly expert opinion on the advantages and disadvantages of each type. Here we'll give you the details about open and closed rhinoplasty, and the difference they can make in your nose surgery.

An open rhinoplasty includes the same two incisions, but with an additional incision connecting the two, through the columella. This last connecting incision is called a transcolumellar incision and allows Dr. Rahban to open the skin of the nose or reveal the nose. Depending on what the surgeon is trying to do, each approach has their advantages and disadvantages.

The second frequently cited disadvantage of an open rhinoplasty is that many people say that there tends to be more swelling than with a closed rhinoplasty. While it's true that a little more swelling usually occurs with an open approach, Dr. Rahban believes that the advantages, in terms of precision and level of detail, far outweigh the additional swelling in the short term. Rahban prefers an open approach in many cases, and believes that a closed rhinoplasty can also be a very feasible approach.

Rahban has done a lot of both open and closed rhinoplasties, and says that when only a small amount of work is justified, a closed rhinoplasty may be a good option. A closed rhinoplasty may be a good option for some patients who need to do a minimum amount of work. However, treating thousands of patients, Dr. Rahban finds that, often, people need to do more work on their noses than they think.

In many cases, the patient will ask for what seems like a small cosmetic change, but realizes that their request may involve a more significant amount of detail-oriented work. Rahban is especially committed to laying the foundations for nose surgery that lasts throughout the aging process, rather than making rapid cosmetic changes that only generate short-term benefits. During a detailed private consultation, many patients realize that even the small aesthetic change they request has greater implications for the structure and architecture of the nose, as it provides them with the results they are looking for. In many cases, a closed rhinoplasty doesn't provide the visibility or access necessary for the surgeon to make the most detailed and accurate bone and cartilage improvements.

Reductive rhinoplasty, which can be performed in a closed way in some cases, has a somewhat simpler technique than reconstructive rhinoplasty. Reconstructive rhinoplasty often involves Dr. Rahban's more advanced techniques and is best performed as an open procedure. With the amount of work needed for complex reconstructive surgery, open rhinoplasty provides the visibility and access needed to perform comprehensive work in every part of the structure of the nose.

The scar created in an open rhinoplasty comes from the transcolumellar incision. This small incision is made between the nostrils. If this incision is closed properly, after healing most patients find that this scar is practically invisible. Rahban always closes the transcolumellar incision himself, which helps to ensure that this scar is under the nose It heals very well.

If a highly qualified and experienced rhinoplasty surgeon believes that their goals can be achieved through closed rhinoplasty, these results should not be inferior to those of open rhinoplasty. However, remember that an open rhinoplasty allows for a much greater range of work and precision. For most patients, if they said they only want a closed rhinoplasty, they would be limiting their possible outcomes, since Dr. Rahban would not have full access to analyze their anatomy and use the advanced grafting techniques that many of his patients want.

When considering rhinoplasty, you may be wondering if an open rhinoplasty or a closed rhinoplasty is the best option for you. While these two types differ, choosing between open and closed shouldn't be a priority in your initial search. The skill and experience of the surgeon you choose will have a much greater impact on the results of rhinoplasty, compared to whether the operation is open or closed. If you would like a full private consultation with Dr.

Please contact our offices for the best rhinoplasty that Los Angeles has to offer. Rhinoplasty is generally recommended for patients aged 15 and over. At this age, the facial skeleton is usually mature enough to undergo aesthetic changes. Another way that surgeons can determine if the facial skeleton has fully developed or not is to understand when the patient's foot size has stopped growing, since foot growth is closely related to the growth of the facial skeleton.

Closed rhinoplasty is an excellent option for patients looking for subtle changes to the nose without the need for extensive remodeling. Closed rhinoplasties work best in patients who want to work on the upper part of the nose. Closed rhinoplasty is effective for treating wide, crooked noses. Ideally, if your aesthetic goals are minor and don't require a significant amount of work, they can usually be done with a closed rhinoplasty.

For more significant changes, you'll need greater visibility that isn't available in closed rhinoplasty. While the scar from an open rhinoplasty becomes almost invisible in many patients, closed rhinoplasty has the advantage of not having a scar. The most significant difference between open and closed rhinoplasty is that open rhinoplasty gives the surgeon greater visibility, allowing for more precise adjustments. Closed rhinoplasty, as well as the pros and cons of each procedure so you can determine the best rhinoplasty technique for your nose.

Maya Jerdee
Maya Jerdee

Unapologetic food practitioner. Subtly charming web specialist. Professional twitter advocate. Incurable tv enthusiast. Professional beer expert.